Human Resources » Employee Information Changes

Employee Information Changes

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At School District No.48 (Sea to Sky), we want to ensure that we continue to provide the best support possible.
We want to notify all employees about a formal change in practice with changing personal details on your file with the HR and payroll team.
As of May 05, 2023, we are going to discontinue accepting email requests for the following information and replace it with accepting e-form requests on Atrieve:
  • Address change
  • Direct deposit/Banking Information change
  • Emergency Contact Update
  • Employment verification letters
  • Legal name change
  • Teaching Certificate Change
  • TQS category Change
  • Tax forms change
Going forward, these requests will need to be placed solely through Atrieve, our Payroll and HR System platform. Because we are moving to a significantly more integrated process, the above-mentioned employee changes will be made on a real-time basis, where the information inputted by employees will flow through into HR and Payroll upon approval.
Please find below a guide that provides details on how to access and complete an e-form on Atrieve.
Please understand that this new process is a district-wide best practice which will help us improve supporting employees.
We look forward to your support in helping us streamline this new process.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Thank you.