Privacy and Security
Roles and Responsibilities
Phishing scams are social engineering attacks and are one of the most prevalent, and dangerous, types of cybercrime that individuals and organizations around the world are currently facing.
Phishing is a term that originated in the 1990s and alludes to attackers using online lures to “fish” for users’ sensitive information.
In a phishing scam, a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
Click here for a sample phishing email.
Passwords are the key to almost everything you do online and you undoubtedly have multiple passwords that you use throughout each day. Therefore, creating strong passwords and managing them securely is fundamental to the safety of all students, staff, and families.
Staff can reset their own passwords. If staff have forgotten their password, they can have their administrator request a password reset through the ICT Helpdesk.
There is a designated person at each school (i.e.: librarian and/or clerical) that can reset student passwords.
District Policies, Regulations, and Agreements