Additional Resources

When considering which names and pronouns will appear on Written Learning Updates, it is important that the decision is student-led and that we determine from the student their desired approach.
In alignment with the Human Rights Code of BC, students have the right to self-identification, and to decide the name(s) and pronoun(s) by which they are addressed. This includes students who have not made official changes to their name and gender identity in MyEdBC.
While graduation diplomas and transcripts from the Ministry of Education require legal name, Written Learning Updates use the “usual name” as listed in MyEdBC (note: changes to usual name in MyEdBC can be made by administrators, counsellors, and/or school office staff).
Using the same pronoun for all students (e.g., “they”) does not always reflect the pronouns a student may want on their Written Learning Updates, and in cases where there is uncertainty, teachers are encouraged to connect with administrators and/or counsellors for further guidance.
Note: Some students may not be “out” beyond the school community, and may choose to express their name and/or gender differently outside of school. When communicating with a parent/guardian, be sure to determine from the student which name and pronouns to use before writing and sending home a Written Learning Update (as well as other items such as progress updates, digital portfolios, yearbooks, etc.).
Board policy
“The Board of Education is committed to a safe, positive and inclusive learning and working environment for all students and employees regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity… [where] all members of the school community learn and work together in an atmosphere of respect and safety, free from discrimination, harassment and/or exclusion.”